What Distinguishes IUL From the 401K?
The IUL is funded with non-qualified money, or pre-taxed dollars. This means unlike the 401k, the cash accumulated inside the policy grows tax-free! That’s good news for future income – tax-free retirement income! IUL's also offer tax advantaged death benefits to be paid to beneficiaries upon the passing of the insured.

The index universal life policy is a worthy alternative to the 401(k), the IRA, the Roth IRA, and other investment strategies for your retirement fund.
Key Benefits

Some Other Key Differences
Money within a 401(k) plan is exposed to losses from market downfalls
401(k) plans don’t let you borrow against them with the same flexibility as you might with IUL, generally speaking
401(k) withdrawals before age 59.5 are subject to a 10% penalty and income taxation
Unlike with the 401(k), distributions from an IUL policy, when taken as loans, are non-taxable
Withdrawals from a 401(k) are subject to more substantial tax liability
There are less restrictions on contributions to an IUL policy than they are to a 401(k) plan
In the 2020 tax year, the contribution limit for a 401(k) is set at $19,500. THAT’s ALL!
With its contractual guarantees, IUL offers the benefit of preserving your earning power in your professional working years
Indexed universal life insurance can also be customized for different situations: there are riders for chronic illness, work disability, and other specialized circumstances
And It Gets Even Better!
You can pour money into the IUL while other retirement options have restrictions on the amount of contributions you can make
You get life insurance that cannot be revoked
You cannot lose your principal to a recession
When you start withdrawing money in retirement it’s tax-free! The federal government cannot look at a steady $100,000 a year withdrawal from your IUL, combine it with your $32,000 Social Security income and declare that you are making too much money and tax your Social Security money

The IRS has no hand in your IUL pot. There is no paperwork, no filing. IUL does not exist as far as the IRS is concerned.
The IUL is going to prove to you it beats traditional retirement strategies every time. So don’t walk into the “retirement casino” that has been beating you year after year. Build your OWN casino. You play the games YOU want and get some gains without losses due to a bad market. Walk out with your wealth in tact.